November 19, 2012

Anthony's World is Back in Business

Since at least  mid-September certain of our web sites have been down or inaccessible or both. In the last few weeks a few more of our web sites went down.

Turned out The Nutley Sun did a great story on web sites preserving local history and included information about our sites Old Nutley and Nutley Sons Honor Roll. That's about the time we noticed the pages were gone. Disappeared. Invisible.

One of many entertaining books you should own.
Also disappeared were Anthony's World, Uncle Tonoose and Travels With Tonoose, and there was no way to get them back, no way to contact the web host and yada, yada, yada.

Well, finally, this past week or so, we were able to relocate and recapture most of the sites. It doesn't look like Uncle Tonoose and Travels with Tonoose will be back any time soon.

You'll still have the archives at Uncle Tonoose the blog. You can waste a lot of time enjoying years worth of posts there.

So, we're glad that Anthony's World is back, along with Old Nutley and Nutley Sons Honor Roll. Please have patience as we wade our way through thousands of pages checking links and looking for photos that didn't get posted along with the pages.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to support the web sites, please buy a book or two for yourself and a few as gifts - thanks.

- Anthony's (back in the) World

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